EPM Security Administrator Functions

The Deltek EPM Security Administrator (EPM SA) is installed during the Administrator Workstation installation of Cobra or as part of the PM Compass implementation.

The EPM SA allows you to share users, groups, and product license information across the entire Deltek PPM product suite.

You must be a SYSADMIN user or a member of the SYSADMIN group to access EPM SA. When you first install Cobra, only the SYSADMIN user can access the EPM SA.
Note: The default user ID is SYSADMIN and the default password is password.

Disable Logins

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to prevent users from logging onto Cobra. This function is useful if, for example, you need to perform maintenance on the database. If even one user is logged on, the maintenance cannot be performed.

When users try to log into Cobra, they receive a message stating that the system administrator has disabled logins to the data source. Clearing the message returns the users to the Cobra Login dialog box, where they can cancel the login attempt completely or use the Data Tool to select another data source.

Display Login Message

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to display a message that all users see when they log onto Cobra. This function is useful, for example, to warn users of scheduled downtime for upcoming database maintenance.

Terminate a Session

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to remotely terminate the Cobra session for any user logged into Cobra. If the workstation is processing data, the Terminate Session function is blocked. Blocking processes are those that must finish before termination can take place.

  • Restore
  • Backup
  • Ancillary Data Integration
  • Apportionment Mapping Integration
  • Load Actuals Integration
  • Schedule Integration
  • Top Down Planning
  • Calculate Forecast
  • Advance Calendar
  • Calculate Progress
  • Recalc
  • Reclass
  • Replan
  • Update Totals
  • Freeze Forecast
  • Validity Check
  • Respread
  • Update OP Resources
  • Slip
  • Rebuild Hierarchy

Send a Message to Users

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to send a message to any user, or all users, logged onto Cobra. This function is useful, for example, if the system administrator needs to inform all users to log out so that database maintenance can be performed.

Turn Windows Authentication On or Off

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to turn a Cobra user's Windows authentication on or off.

Set Maximum Time of Inactivity

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to set the maximum time before Cobra closes due to a user's inactivity.

Set a Maximum Number of Login Tries

System administrators can use the EPM SA tool to set the maximum number of tries allowed for a user to log onto Cobra before it closes.

Refer to the EPM SA Help System for instructions for performing functions such as:

  • Creating a list of users using the Active Directory.
  • Creating groups and assigning users to the groups.
  • Defining roles to secure menu options.
  • Maintaining license information and providing users with access to applications.